There's nothing quite like the sound of music from the undead- like the strumming of this lute played by the one and only musically inclined mummy. His gauze has fallen away from his face to expose a happy smile and joyful eyes, and he wears his golden armor accompanied by his burgundy loincloth. This mummy is made from UV coated polyresin making him the ideal band member- both indoor and outdoor!
- Polyresin
- UV Stabilized for Indoor/Outdoor Use
- Hand Painted
- Mounting Brackets
There's nothing quite like the sound of music from the undead- like the strumming of this lute played by the one and only musically inclined mummy. His gauze has fallen away from his face to expose a happy smile and joyful eyes, and he wears his golden armor accompanied by his burgundy loincloth. This mummy is made from UV coated polyresin making him the ideal band member- both indoor and outdoor!